KP Solutions

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Socket Error 10060 – The Connection to the server has failed


So, you setup an email client with new email account and when you try to send an email, you get an error that says:

The connection to the server has failed.
Subject: 'XX.....'
Server: ''
Protocol: SMTP
Port: XXX
Secure(SSL): Yes
Socket Error: 10060

When you get this message, your email client is telling you that there is a configuration issue for the email account in question.

Check your outgoing email settings and that’s where you would find the problem. For me the problem was the Outgoing SMTP port. I changed to correct port and the email was sent successfully.

In case if you are using Google Apps for your email, then the settings that you need to use are (Windows Mail, Outlook settings):

In Servers Tab:
Incoming mail (IMAP):
Outgoing mail (SMTP):
Select 'Log on using clear text authentication'
Select 'My server requires authentication' under 'Outgoing Mail Server'

In Advanced Tab:
Outgoing mail (SMTP): 465
Incoming mail (IMAP): 993
Select both checkbox: 'This server requires a secure connection (SSL)'

Hope this comes in handy to whoever has this problem.

